Step-by-step: Setting up and installing your SC-T3100x printer series
Here you will find our user manual on how to set up and install necessary drivers for your T3100 series printer easily and straightforwardly.

Find out where the printer should be located and how to add a printer
The first thing you need to do to get your Epson printer setup is to find a suitable place to have it upright. Your Epson printer requires a power outlet and to connect to a network either by WiFi or a network cable. When the printer is physically unpacked and placed where you want, it can be turned on. Some of Epson’s models have an installation supervisor on first start-up. Go through this before the next step, which is to install the printer driver on PC/MAC. More information about Epson T3100x printer can also be found on here
Easy steps to install your T3100x printer:
To get started find a suitable place for the printer and unpack your T3100x. Here are some guidelines.
- Assemble the stand (see here)
- Removing all parts and installing it on the stand (see here)
- Fill up the ink tanks (see here)
Firstly, load the roll paper and set the correct settings. Click on the display on the printer.
- Load roll paper into the printer (see here)
- Paper settings -> roll paper -> Paper Type -> Other -> Matte -> Set to Singleweight Matte
- Note: If you select a paper type or size that does not match the loaded paper the printout will have creases, ink smudges or banding.
- Paper setting -> Roll paper -> Advanced Media Settings -> Top/Bottom Margins -> Set to top to 3 mm/Bottom 3 mm (see full documentation)
Let us install your printer via TeamViewer for a hassle-free setup on your own!
Schedule a meeting with us to assist you in installing your printers via TeamViewer so that you don't have to worry about setting up your printers.
Please go to our calendar and select a date for us to help you!
Now, you are ready to install the driver on your computer, go to Epson T3100x page here
Double-click the downloaded exe driver file. It will be decompressed and the Setup screen will be displayed.
- Follow the instructions to install the software and perform the necessary settings.
Set up different driver settings. Click settings in the driver
- Print Quality
- Fitting to roll paper width - fit short side to roll paper width
- Set custom paper size
- Banner 297 x 700
- Banner 297 x 900
- Banner 297 x 1200
If you need more assistance in installing necessary driver software for your T3100 series printer, you can email us or raise a ticket in the chat to our customer support.
You may schedule a meeting with us on OUR CALENDAR!
Refences from Epson Documentations: